
Python for Data Science

by Sopan Shewale on


Start Date:

End Date:


Sopan Shewale
Technical Evangelist
Sopan is a technologist who is passionate about developing software products using modern technology stacks.

Objective of the course

  1. Write Sufficiently Complicate Programs using Python Programming Language
  2. Learn Data Science & Machine Learning techniques
  3. Explore Open Source Libraries
  4. Learn to contribute to Open Source Community

Day 1

  1. Introduction to Python Programming
  2. Write Simple Programs - Hello world and more
  3. Installation of Python Interpreter
  4. Setup Development Environment using Pycharm IDE

Day 2

  1. Python Variables
  2. Data Types (Integers, Real Numbers, Strings,)
  3. Mathematical Operations (+, - etc)
  4. Strings
  5. List

Day 3

  1. List, Sequence, Dictionary etc
  2. Conditions , Making decisions (if/else, for etc)
  3. Functions
  4. Handling Errors (try/catch, exceptions)

Day 4

  1. Classes
  2. Instance, Object
  3. Package Development

Day 5

  1. Read/Write Files
  2. Reading Data from Internet
  3. Data Manipulation
  4. Regular Expressions

Day 6

  1. Different Format of Data
    1. CSV
    2. Text Files
  2. Rest API based Data (consume data from different web services)
  3. Crawl Data from Internet sources

Day 7

  1. Database Interactions - for read, write, modify and delete operations

Day 8

  1. Numpy
    1. Slicing, Indexing, Iteration over arrays,
    2. Linear Algebra
  2. Pandas
    1. Dataframes
    2. Analysing Data
    3. Handling Missing Records etc
  3. Data Visualisation with matplotlib Library
  4. Sample Application (Data Science)

Course Curriculm

  1. The duration of courses is 30 to 35 Hours
  2. Each Topic is followed by Task and Quizzes
  3. Every Session will End with Lab Session
  4. Assignments at the end of the Day
  5. Tasks, Quiz, Lab Sessions and Assignment will be evaluated to assess participants performance
  6. The course will end with reasonably complicated Project


  1. Participants are expected to know Operating System fundamentals and basic programming concepts
  2. They are expected to organise own programs, files on own Laptop/Workstations.
  3. Participants are expected to know Editor to create, modify, update or delete files
  4. Participants are expected to learn Programming IDE on their own if they want to use IDE
  5. Students are expected to know command line utilities & run basic programs by passing arguments

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