Full Stack Developer with 25 years of Experience. Django Consultant
Course Overview
This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Vue 3, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Students will start with the basics and progressively tackle more complex topics, culminating in the development of a full-featured application.
Target Audience
Beginners with basic JavaScript knowledge
Front-end developers looking to enhance their skills
Developers transitioning from other frameworks
Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Familiarity with ES6 features (e.g., arrow functions, destructuring)
Session 1: Course Introduction and Setup
Overview of Vue.js and its ecosystem
Setting up the development environment
Installing Vue CLI
Creating your first Vue 3 application
Session 2: Vue Basics
Understanding the Vue instance
Data binding and interpolation
Directives: v-bind, v-model, v-if, v-for, v-show
Session 3: Handling Events and Methods
Event handling
Methods in Vue
Computed properties and watchers
Session 4: Introduction to Components
Creating and registering components
Parent-child communication with props and events
Session 5: Advanced Component Concepts
Slots and scoped slots
Dynamic and async components
Session 6: Single File Components (SFCs)
Structure of SFCs
Using Vue CLI for SFCs
Session 7: Reactivity in Vue 3
Reactivity system overview
Ref and reactive functions
Session 8: Composition API Basics
Setup function
Using reactive state, computed properties, and watchers
Session 9: Composition API Advanced
Custom hooks
Lifecycle hooks in Composition API
Session 10: Introduction to Vue Router
Setting up Vue Router
Basic routing and navigation
Session 12: Advanced Routing Concepts
Route params and query
Nested routes
Route guards and navigation guards
Session 13: Programmatic Navigation
History mode
Lazy loading routes
Session 14: Introduction to Vuex
State, getters, mutations, and actions
Setting up Vuex store
Session 15: Advanced Vuex Concepts
Plugins in Vuex
Session 16: Integrating Vuex with Vue Router
Managing state with routes
Best practices for state management
Session 17: Axios and Fetch API
Setting up Axios
Making API requests and handling responses
Session 18: Asynchronous Data Handling
Loading states
Error handling
Session 19: Advanced API Integration
Authentication and Authorization
Interceptors in Axios
Session 20: Unit Testing
Introduction to Jest
Writing unit tests for Vue components
Session 21: Component Testing
Testing library for Vue
Snapshot testing
Session 22: End-to-End Testing
Introduction to Cypress
Writing E2E tests
Session 23: Build and Optimize
Building for production
Code splitting and optimization
Session 24: Deployment
Deploying to Netlify, Vercel, and other platforms
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)