
Mastering Vue 3

by Sopan Shewale on


Start Date:

End Date:


Sopan Shewale
Technical Evangelist
Full Stack Developer with 25 years of Experience. Django Consultant

Course Overview

This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Vue 3, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Students will start with the basics and progressively tackle more complex topics, culminating in the development of a full-featured application.

Target Audience

  1. Beginners with basic JavaScript knowledge
  2. Front-end developers looking to enhance their skills
  3. Developers transitioning from other frameworks


  1. Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  2. Familiarity with ES6 features (e.g., arrow functions, destructuring)

Session 1: Course Introduction and Setup

  1. Overview of Vue.js and its ecosystem
  2. Setting up the development environment
  3. Installing Vue CLI
  4. Creating your first Vue 3 application

Session 2: Vue Basics

  1. Understanding the Vue instance
  2. Data binding and interpolation
  3. Directives: v-bind, v-model, v-if, v-for, v-show

Session 3: Handling Events and Methods

  1. Event handling
  2. Methods in Vue
  3. Computed properties and watchers

Session 4: Introduction to Components

  1. Creating and registering components
  2. Parent-child communication with props and events

Session 5: Advanced Component Concepts

  1. Slots and scoped slots
  2. Dynamic and async components

Session 6: Single File Components (SFCs)

  1. Structure of SFCs
  2. Using Vue CLI for SFCs

Session 7: Reactivity in Vue 3

  1. Reactivity system overview
  2. Ref and reactive functions

Session 8: Composition API Basics

  1. Setup function
  2. Using reactive state, computed properties, and watchers

Session 9: Composition API Advanced

  1. Custom hooks
  2. Lifecycle hooks in Composition API

Session 10: Introduction to Vue Router

  1. Setting up Vue Router
  2. Basic routing and navigation

Session 12: Advanced Routing Concepts

  1. Route params and query
  2. Nested routes
  3. Route guards and navigation guards

Session 13: Programmatic Navigation

  1. History mode
  2. Lazy loading routes

Session 14: Introduction to Vuex

  1. State, getters, mutations, and actions
  2. Setting up Vuex store

Session 15: Advanced Vuex Concepts

  1. Modules
  2. Plugins in Vuex

Session 16: Integrating Vuex with Vue Router

  1. Managing state with routes
  2. Best practices for state management

Session 17: Axios and Fetch API

  1. Setting up Axios
  2. Making API requests and handling responses

Session 18: Asynchronous Data Handling

  1. Loading states
  2. Error handling

Session 19: Advanced API Integration

  1. Authentication and Authorization
  2. Interceptors in Axios

Session 20: Unit Testing

  1. Introduction to Jest
  2. Writing unit tests for Vue components

Session 21: Component Testing

  1. Testing library for Vue
  2. Snapshot testing

Session 22: End-to-End Testing

  1. Introduction to Cypress
  2. Writing E2E tests

Session 23: Build and Optimize

  1. Building for production
  2. Code splitting and optimization

Session 24: Deployment

  1. Deploying to Netlify, Vercel, and other platforms
  2. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

Session 25: Final Project Presentation

  1. Students present their projects
  2. Peer review and feedback

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